The Project
The project "Traces of History - Paths of Memory" is the outcome of an international initiative conceived by the Fossoli Foundation, which has received official recognition and funding from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, through its embassy in Rome. The project also benefits from the partnership of the Dachau Memorial.
The Fossoli Foundation has developed an interactive path in the places of history and memory of the Second World War and deportation scattered throughout the territory of Carpi. The aim is to create a tool that highlights and identifies traces of the past within the city space.
The interconnection between these sites is facilitated by the placement of special QR Codes in the identified locations and by a unique digital map designed for this purpose. This map not only provides geolocation of the sites but also allows visitors to create a personalized itinerary and explore in-depth content related to each location.
By scanning the QR Code or navigating through the pages dedicated to each site on the website, visitors can read about the history of each location, access rich documentation including historical photographs and documents, and recognize the transformations of the location over time. Additionally, they can connect to the city map showing the positions of other historical sites and create a historical itinerary composed of 20 locations, marking places where historical events occurred and where institutions of the time were located.
The path is designed for a diverse audience of different nationalities and interests, with particular attention to the educational sector. Thanks to technology, notably the use of QR Code plaques, visitors can engage in multi-level exploration, with adjustable travel times, free access, highly interactive and lasting experiences, as the platform is continually updated over time.
The project is available in Italian, English, and German.
The collaboration of the Municipality of Carpi and the Superintendence for Architectural and Landscape Heritage of the Emilia-Romagna Region has been instrumental in the project's realization.
"Traces of History - Paths of Memory"
Project realized by the Fossoli Foundation with the recognition and support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany – Rome
KZ Gedenstatte Dachau
Marzia Luppi, Marika Losi
Project Coordinator
Enrico Campedelli
QR-CODE and Website Development
Enrico Cattabriga, Dekal Salvioli Group
Marzia Luppi, Marika Losi, Costantino di Sante
English and German Translation
Susanna Soglia
Audio Recording
Roberto Zampa
Grafica Carpigiana
Documents and Photographs
Center for Studies and Documentation, Fossoli Foundation (CSD-FF): G. Leoni archive, R. Zampa archive, educational archive.
Center for Ethnographic Research, Carpi (CRE): Gasparini Fonds
Special Thanks for the Kind Collaboration
Municipality of Carpi
and for the Permits
Municipality of Carpi
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Carpi
Diocese of Carpi
Local Health Authority of Modena
Rete Ferroviaria Italiana SpA
Cesare Martinelli
Richeldi-Po family
The project has been authorized by the Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Bologna.